11 Best Side Hustle Books For Entrepreneurs [Free Included]

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Side hustle books

Do you want to start a side gig to earn a little more than usual, but don’t know where to start from? 

The answer to that issue is well served by the side hustle books, containing thousands of ideas to encash your passion into a supplemental income.

Everyone wants to earn some extra cash, as regular 9-5 jobs are not sufficient to meet the ends. We all want to earn a passive income to move closer to financial freedom without disturbing our regular work. 

Books on hustling play the role of the savior to your dreams of becoming an entrepreneur by providing step-by-step guidance right from generating ideas to making some extra income on the side. The best part of the side hustle is, you do not have to make any adjustments with your routine.

There are a ton of books that provide you the ways to execute the side hustle ideas. We understand that different people have different interests, here is a list of some books accordingly.

Let’s get some inspirations to grow your business from these books.

Must Read Side Hustle Books for Entrepreneurs?

Side Hustle

The book is well written by Chris Guillebeau, an author, traveler, blogger, speaker, and an American Entrepreneur, this piece shows a step-by-step direction to start a hustle with real-life case studies. Chris breaks it down into simple and useful chapters, highly recommended for those who are considering a Side hustle/business.

The 4-Hour Work Week

The New York Times bestseller Timothy Ferriss updated on how to reconstruct your life so it is not all about work. The content and tips given are amazing and was worth the time.

To explain the idea implementation in a better way for the beginners to never miss any step.The content of this book is a bit exaggerated.

This book is a nice guide if you are a traveler. But If you are a very family-oriented person then it may not be the best book to read.

The Edupreneur Side Hustle Handbook

If you’ve always dreamed of starting a side business but were not sure about the time or the know-how, this book is for you.

The book consists of different lessons on business basics by nine different authors’ experiences including online as well as offline hustles.

Each chapter offers tons of practical tips to get you started. The best thing about the book :

  • It is written by teachers
  • Easily understandable 
  • Contains lots of possibilities for the future

100 Side Hustles

This amazing book is written by Chris Guillebeau, self-employment guru, author of The $100 Startup, and creator of the popular Side Hustle School podcast.

This unique book gathers the startup stories of regular people launching side businesses and includes 100 stories of regular people launching successful side businesses that almost anyone can do.

Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement

Rachel Richard interviews various people from different streams to generate a list of tried and tested ways to generate passive income.

Rachel generally put down interesting ways to maintain your finances with extremely valuable information.

The Best thing about the book is:

  • It covers all the major passive income streams, 
  • Analyzes the time frame and capital to start.
  • Explain the risk and marketing strategies.

This book is worth a read, it will change the way we think about retirement.

Side Hustle Blueprint

Are you struggling to make the ends meet? Then this book is just for you. Lisa Cartwright gives a glance of a step-by-step guide to write and launch an eBook.

The book consists of chapters including steps, at the end of each chapter she has given a checklist to track the knowledge gained and the context about the next chapter.

This book is a blessing for those who have tried a lot of things and got disheartened by the guidance of others about writing and selling your eBook.

But I am Not an Expert

Meera Kothand, a blogger and a businesswoman packed valuable and more importantly practical tips, full of actionable advice for Solopreneurs.

This book serves the purpose of providing case studies and practical applications to start and build your online presence.

Passive Income Freedom

This book is helpful if you are looking to earn a passive income. Gundi Gabrielle gives a lot of clear, honest explanations of the various ways to make passive income.

The best thing for an artsy person feels like you’re sitting down for coffee with a very knowledgeable friend.

Book explains a complex matter in an easy and fun way in a step-by-step guide with 23 blueprints to start a business with little or no financial investment.

Ultimate Side Hustle Book

Have you secured a regular job, but still wish to earn a little more money? Or maybe you want some extra money by investing your spare time by starting a side business.

Elana Varon is an editor and a business writer, explaining what, why, and how of side gigs, as well as real-life stories from those who have taken them on.

Most of this information is available on government job classification/codes sites; though it is helpful to know what other money-making ideas some people are trying.

SideHustle Millionaire

A marvelous book by Tony Whatley, a serial entrepreneur, business consultant, and startup mentor, explains various ways to create financial freedom by building a side business.

The content of this book include:

  • The mindset of a person, which is a crucial part,
  •  Some great tips in the money, structure, and marketing sections.

This is the best book for those who love their careers but are looking to challenge themselves further and make extra income by starting a side business.

48 Hour Startup

Fraser Doherty’s 48-Hour-Start-Up is a handy and essential cheat sheet to starting your own business giving the key steps for developing an idea and getting it to market quickly.

Fraser shares all of his lessons and mistakes to pioneer the idea of a micro business like:

  • A creative outlet.
  • Income stream and business you can run in your spare time at the weekends without having to quit the day-job.
  • This book is ideal for beginners as well as settled entrepreneurs from idea generation to establish a brand.


There are a lot of books available on online websites, which can make you confused when it comes to choosing one. My personal favorites books from the list are:

  • The 4-Hour Work Week
  • Edupreneur Side Hustle Handbook
  • Side Hustle Millionaire
  • 48-Hour Startup

Cashing your spare time with a side gig is a new normal and the best way to start your journey is to get business ideas from other successful entrepreneurs.

Let us know which side hustle book you liked the most?

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