Paid Research Studies That Pays Well – [8 Incredible Ways]

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paid research studies

Have you heard about paid research studies? Do you want to know how you can earn using Paid research?

Paid research studies are a form of income source that has slowly evolved as the demand for an open paid market appeared around the world in the last few decades. People usually need to do significantly less work and often get enough for their time and inputs.

There is a whole group of people in the masses that have found paid research to be one very interesting and a fast earning method in the market.

Paid research is a scheme where you’re paid to randomly participate in a particular set of activities, like reviewing a specific product or a particular condition, for giving feedback either through an interview or through a system-generated form, for performing analysis or research on one specific topic.

But you must always have appropriate knowledge about the field from which you earn. Now, here comes the twist. If you are not very knowledgeable, you can drop into some paid projects which do not pay you well. However, if you know well, you can find out studies and researches which pay you well for your participation.

Basically, you get paid to participate in research studies from studies that either run quantitative or qualitative research analysis.

Qualitative research studies include the collection and analysis of non-numerical data, whereas quantitative research involves numerical details for statistical analysis.

Examples of qualitative research involve participation through online focus groups, online interviews, phone interviews, polls, and Paid Surveys.

Examples of quantitative research include surveys, experiments, public data collection through the use of suitable media, and field research studies.

Different paid research options

  • Answering questionnaires.
  • Focus groups & one-on-one interviews/in-home interviews.
  • Mock trial/Mock jury.
  • Taste-testing.

Paid Research Studies Ideas

Paid research is usually promoted by a few types of industries which include,

  1. Consumer consumption goods (both durable and perishable): You can find paid research opportunities through a health drink that newly arrived in the market. It could be a shoe company or the refrigerator company that tries to know the viewer’s or user’s choice by putting up a questionnaire or a quiz session.
  2. Health care organizations (for testing drugs): Usually, various healthcare organizations would put up different trials to test the drug on healthy adults. Paid medical research programs allow testing of drugs on those people who are suffering from the disease for which the drug is meant to be in the market.
  3. Psychological units (for testing normal psychological parameters): Psychiatric patients often pose a considerable challenge. Thus, studying their behavior and comparing it with expected behavior is what requires a lot of observational studies.
  4. Surveys and Research: Organizations that collect data through surveys and research to reach a suitable conclusion for any business. Surveys and research for any business can be beneficial in understanding their flaws.
  5. Mock Jurors: The mock jury can help one know the hits and misses in a case. The mock jury is composed of people who are mostly lawyers or jurors who prefer to work from home. They listen to a case and help the lawyer understand his stand in the case.
  6. Taste testers: Eating can always be fun, but eating to get paid can be more fun. Taste-testing is a very rare profession taken up by a few who get employed in several food and beverage industries. Here, food taste needs to be tested every time a new product is launched, or each time there is an alteration done to an already existing product.
  7. Online research jobs: helps you in finding some cash and income for yourself at times. You just have to research around points, and some sites can get you some cash for sure.
  8. Answering questions: Are you a ‘Google expert?’ If you can find out answers to questions, then you can earn through these sources well.
  9. Expert advice for different fields: Expert advice in any field is always required, and people often try to find such people in the market. Go for it! If you are one of them.

How Much You Can Make with Paid Researches?

Well, this is almost always the primary question which pops up while trying to find out more about different income sources.

So, if you are 18 years old and can speak a specific language, here is a brief guide, obviously, we would share details about a tentative earning that you can expect from each paid research opportunity in the section below. However, for us to begin, let us find out why you would even consider participating in a paid research program.

Quick surveys are usually quantitative surveys which can help you earn somewhere between $5 and as much as $150.

When you participate in focus groups, you can pull up the earning levels to somewhere near $50 to $500 each session.

Interviews can pay you at a per hour rate. You could be somewhere between $50 to $400 for an hour. I mean this is an incredible amount for some people who have fewer income sources or less earning.

Usually, you have some paid opportunities from big houses where you can invest your time to earn points.

Let’s share what can get you paid to participate in research studies that you take up with Amazon and other big brands.

Types of Paid Research Studies

1. Quantitative Studies – Answering Questionnaires

Usually paid surveys are conducted in many ways by the below-mentioned organizations.


Yes, you heard it right!

Toluna is one way to earn, but you do not get direct money by taking their surveys. Toluna offers surveys that allow you to acquire points. Now, Toluna almost pays 1000-2000 points per survey, and from a rough assessment of points, you earn $1 by accumulating 5500 points.

One limitation that you might encounter is that Toluna offers you cash only from and above $35 in a particular installment.

At values lesser than $35, you might have to take gift vouchers from them.

A variety of vouchers are available from $5 for Starbucks at 27000 points to 190,000 points for encashing it via PayPal. So, you might need a PayPal account in this scenario.

This is pretty much how Toluna works!


YouGo is an online market research facility that believes in paying points for sharing your views with them and the world about a certain product.

So, you need to make almost 5000 points to earn $50. The 50 points you receive are worth 50 cents, and you can also earn bonus points through bonus questions through this site.


Clickworker has a section for people interested in paid research, and once you register into the site for free, you can try and find out what interests you most, and then you can earn through your PayPal account by answering them.


SurveyMonkey is an online paid research gate for those who love to provide their inspired opinions around everything and SurveyMonkey provides you the best opportunity, once you take up a research SurveyMonkey.

SurveyMonkey lets you earn $0.35 per survey. gift cards can be mined as soon as you reach $5 or more in your credit account.

2. Focus Group

User Interviews

User Interviews promote both in-person and online interviews for customers about different products, services, and websites. You can be a part of the focus group, and they pay anywhere between $25 to $50 for a 1-hour session.

Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie is another site where people can simply earn by taking different surveys.

It does not pay you much except for product testing studies and online focus groups where you can get paid somewhere around $75 however, and regular surveys can pay somewhere up to $30 per month. is a site where you can earn money by in-person and online research studies for consumers. Online pay-out is quite good where you can earn up to $140 per hour.

The company would keep 5% of the processing fee and the rest of the amount is credited to your account within 8-10 days of study completion.


Fieldwork is primarily US-based and is available in the several States of America. They compensate for your time at the rate of $75, and the sessions can be a little longer as much as 1-2 hours.

You get Visa cards, and that is one of the major drawbacks of this research survey site. It is available primarily in Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, New York & Denver.


FindFocuGroups is one of the options you can try to explore when you are looking for jobs of such kinds. The aggregator service allows you to scroll through a list of focus groups and paid research opportunities.

They can pay somewhere between $50 to $200 as compensation.

Probe Market Research

Probe Market Research always focuses on medical professionals, local consumers, and top-level executives. Focus groups can pay between $50-$400 when you participate either online or over the phone.

Awwro is an online paid survey in India which is an easy way to earn money. It is completely free to join and is capable of paying you with PayPal cash and Amazon and Flipkart gift cards.

Minimum pay-outs can happen at $10. With every online survey, one can earn somewhere between $1-$3, and some specialized surveys can also pay you $20-$50 for taking a survey.

3. Health-Related Studies

Several health-research studies are being conducted in many Universities, health care centers, clinical research organizations, medical institutions. They are primarily of three types.

  • Invasive studies: In this type of research studies, the patients are given some drug after signing informed consent. If you are willing to go for it, then you can join several studies that take place around you.
  • Psychological studies: Several psychological studies and questionnaires would be given to you, and once you answer the questions Universities and health care centres would pay you for them.
  • Simple health related market research studies: Sometimes, simple online questionnaires are given to patients to understand their overall health expectations and other facts and figures around health.

So, we have assembled a few top Universities, clinical research organisations and health care facilities that can act as a guide if you are looking out for some such participation.

Harvard University Psychological Study Pool

Harvard University Psychological Study Pool is one of the most reliable organizations where you can participate in such online research. It is available year-round for guests as well as for the students year-round, and you can earn as little as $10 and as high as $25.

Center for Decision Sciences Columbia Business Schoo

Center for Decision Sciences Columbia Business School can allow you to participate in one of their research studies, and the basic pay-out is almost $16 per study participation.

They are often trying to find out several behavioral patterns and also several habitual patterns of people around them. You need to be more than 28 years of age, and you need to have a PayPal or Amazon account if you are willing to get paid through them.

MIT Behavioural Research Lab

MIT Behavioural Research Lab accepts participants both for in-person and online research studies for which they are paid as less as $11 and as high as $20 per online study.

The more the number of studies you can complete, the higher would be your number of entries in which you would be called or requested.

UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management has a behavioral laboratory that offers $10- $15 an hour for participation in topics that involve organizational & consumer behavior.

American University Psychology Department

American University Psychology Department offers you $20 to even fill a form on the smoker’s behavior during very stressful situations that arise around them.

Companies pay for invasive research wherein the subjects are part of a paid clinical trial, either as healthy subjects or as diseased individuals. Compensations are paid regularly with each subject visit or monthly sometimes, for transport, meal vouchers, out-of-pocket expenses.

There is no particular pharmaceutical agency or no medical organization that continuously conducts trials, so whenever they do, they advertise in local media for the kind of subjects they are seeking from the crowd.

If you happen to be in one of those population groups willing to be a part of a research opportunity, you can receive good compensation for your participation. The choices of subjects vary from healthy subjects to individuals suffering from a certain condition (for example, neurosis, schizophrenia, cancer, tuberculosis, and many more) mostly for research studies that pay cash.

Primarily Phase I trial of any study is done on healthy subjects unless otherwise specified in the trial manual. The other phases, like Phase II, III and IV, are done on diseased individuals almost always.

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), PAREXEL, Sun Pharma are some of the pharmaceutical units conducting trials regularly.

Some Clinical Research Organizations (CRO) conduct trials on a regular basis. You can google search them if, at any point in time, you want to find out more about it.

Some hospitals, like the ones mentioned above, also run trials on various diseases from time to time.

The most reliable site to find out about trials is through the local news channels and also through local organizations.

4. Mock Jurors

Are you a lawyer and wish to earn from home?

If so, become a mock juror, a paid research opportunity for lawyers. I am sure people belonging to this profession know who a mock juror is, but those who don’t belong to this field can learn from this segment about them.

If you have a degree in law, but you do not have the time to practice it outside, you can become a mock juror. In this profession, the scene under investigation is recreated, and companies hire lawyers from outside to perform such functions.

The jury members give specific answers, pass online verdicts, and also point out the weaknesses surrounding their cases. Thankfully, the internet has made this job a virtual work-from-home opportunity. Compensations differ, and jurors choose companies based on how much they are getting paid for their work.

Let us see a few websites that pay for conducting online mock juries.


Christopher L. Bagby is the brainchild behind this whole process of establishing On this site, people post details about a certain case to get feedback, and the site goes around matching the case with 50 local attorneys who come back either with feedback or answer a pre-set questionnaire.

Pay can be between $5 to $10.

Some specifications that you might need to follow include your being a US citizen, being above 18 years of age and proof that you are of a sound mind and character.


It has set a standard for online mock juror jobs. Here again, you need to post your case details. It is run in and around the local jurors available online. Almost 25 to 50 jurors are incorporated to deal with a single situation. Clark Howard endorses this platform and thus, you need not worry about its legitimateness.

Pay can be somewhere between $20 to $80. Time expected out of a juror is clearly explained in the mail that is sent to the juror along with expectations the requester has from the jury members.


Interestingly, is run by a marketing research company and not by attorneys. This site not only hosts jury decisions but also hosts surveys of varied kinds. Pay can vary from $5 to $400.

It also has a referral scheme that pays a very minimal fee whenever someone fills up a form for this marketing company. You can withdraw any amount at any particular point in time, and there is no minimum payout rate for this site.

JuryTalk is connected to the Wellington Institute Network, and you need not worry about its credibility.

They offer mock online trials and possess legal focussed groups who pass online verdicts on the fate of the cases presented to them.

Mock jurors listen to legal cases briefly and then would need to fill out questionnaires and also provide personal opinions on the particular case. The payment is debited after a one-day program.

Just fill the application present on the site to begin.

Sign Up Direct

To become an online juror, you have to sign up on Once a case is presented on the online site, you would be randomly selected as per your demographic information.

Once you are done answering the questions for the particular case, you would be paid for the number of hours you have given to the case.

You are paid $12 per hour.

5. Taste Testers

Making money has never been easier if you are in love with food. Can you IMAGINE getting paid for eating and tasting food?


You can actually earn hundreds for taking up a taste tester job.

Apart from beginning a food blog, restaurant, or catering service or working as a baker or cook or chef, you can also take a look at the websites given below which do pay you.

Usually, preferences are given to individuals who have a degree in culinary arts.

Additionally, you could also try joining a sensory testing agency, a panelist of a market research company, and for studies that are organized by restaurants and food manufacturers.

Taste testers job opportunities appoint regular candidates and is offered by food manufacturers like the,

  1. Schwan Food Company: It pays almost about $15, and each session can last as much as 15 minutes. Almost every week they invite people, and there is a 3-time participation limit per month for those who join regularly.
  2. Some American companies that include taste testers can be found through regular job portals, so you might want to keep a watch on online job sites.

Several market research companies can also pay you like the Focus Market Research and Performance Plus/ Boston Field & Focus of the United States.

You can also become paid for tasting fast foods.

You can also be paid for testing dog food and health-related foods. Sometimes, even educational organizations can also put up a test to find out more about food value and also to examine which product can cause what kind of health-related issues and why employing taste testers?

6. Online Researcher Jobs

If you are planning to become an online researcher you might also stand a fair chance. If you can randomly read anything that comes your way, in short, if you are a voracious reader who loves to read anything and everything then there are a countless number of organizations that have a job opportunity for you.

Online paid research opportunities can offer you jobs at entry levels and also for at a subject matter expert level in any field.

  • 10EQS is a place where you can join as a subject matter expert, and live projects are assigned to you over a period of time. There are other options available that can also be lucrative for you, given you can take up those jobs on this platform.
  • Article One Partners is a place that offers freelancing opportunities for translation jobs that pay you for research work translation and also for general research. Once you have registered with them, you can perform & submit research work for a variety of Public Services. You can win payments for your most standard works.
  • IT Boss Research works with independent contractors, and an average researcher can earn somewhere between $10 to $15 from the site.

7. Answering Questions

If you can conduct an appropriate search and you are good at writing, you can try some of the below-mentioned sites for online paid research studies. Several companies online do sell a question and answer pattern to their clients, whether complex or simple questions, it does not matter.

You need not have some great expertise in any field, instead, you can just be a Google expert if you want to solve questions, and earn from it.

Some great skilled practitioners can earn somewhere $2K per month from some sources.

  • Wonder is one such medium where you can find work. The site invites people to submit their questions, and you have to solve them. However, before qualifying as a researcher, you might need to qualify for a test and must complete a sample assignment for them.
    All you need to have is an excellent writing skill and a love for writing content.
  • Experts123 is a place where again you can get your answers, thanks to the online researchers who work in these places. Initially, for base-level articles, you are not paid, but you can draw traffic, based on the traffic higher levels of engagements are possible, and also pay is guaranteed if your article is indeed amazing.
  • StudyPool is one place where tutors help students do their homework assignments. The company acts as a facilitator, and you get to set your rates. Payment is made whenever you have completed helping a particular student.

8. Expert Advice

  1. Ask An Expert if you have a doubt. What subject you are helping people with determines your pay rate. Your schedule can be entirely according to your preference, and can also pay you by taking calls.
  2. Presto Expert can connect you with chat, phone, and email for answering questions from your area of expertise. Once you have registered, you need to fill in your details and appropriate credentials. Potential clients can track you down whenever you are online. You can set your pay for yourself when looking into paid research opportunities.
  3. Clarity asks you to answer queries through phone calls. They primarily deal with freelancers, entrepreneurs, and executives from different levels. They pay twice a week and deduct 15% for their facilitation process.
  4. Maven is all about micro consultations. Sign up quickly and answer a few questions rapidly. The system compares you with your clients’ needs and allots you, clients. You can choose to answer questions via mail, telephone, or by participating in an online project. Referrals can also earn you some commissions.
  5. Just Answer is another site where you have to just register yourself and then you have to enter your details. If you are available while people have questions, then you can take it up and answer it for a fee. You will have to pay a share of your fee with Just Answer.

So, if you want to get involved in some paid opportunities that primarily involve paid research studies, you have a lot of sites that actually claim to help you earn, however, just make sure the site suits you and you suit the site.

Remember to work with a few good ones instead of being scammed every other day by one or two of the most unknown sites.

The underlying message is, the internet has facilitated different job opportunities, and you can take one of them, whichever suits you the best. Various types of research work are present around you, just look around to know your expertise and all you need to understand is, what you have to do around these sites.

Once you know the work, just earn some fast cash or even make some good sum of money while you are sitting right in front of your system.

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